Monday, November 25, 2019

Movie Review Secret Window

Movie Review Secret Window Abstract Secret Window tells the story of a writer who succumbs to a psychotic break after discovering his wife’s infidelity. He lapses into a split personality disorder causing him to kill his dog, burn their matrimonial home and finally, to murder his wife and her new lover.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Movie Review: â€Å"Secret Window† specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More He does not grieve for his losses successfully. His denial of the events makes it impossible for him to recover from the loss of his wife. He behaves fine when he is Rainey, but does grave acts when he is Shooter. It is only at the end that the audience realizes Rainey and Shooter is the same person. The 2004 movie, â€Å"Secret Window† starring Johnny Depp as Mort Rainey is a horror film depicting the life of Rainey as a writer with a dissociative disorder. The opening scene of the movie shows Rainey driving to a motel where he finds his wife Amy cheating on him with Ted Milner. It sets the stage for a lengthy divorce that drives Rainey to a psychotic breakdown. Rainey is a writer and is about to release a new book titled, â€Å"Secret Window†. He is struggling to finish the last chapter because he is suffering from writer’s block. As such, he opts to leave their matrimonial home to go and stay in his cabin out of town, somewhere in rural New York. Before Rainey moves out of town, a man named Shooter visits him and confronts him. Shooter claims that Rainey stole his manuscript. He demands that Rainey comes out clean by admitting to plagiarism. Rainey dismisses him as a sick man.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The next day, Rainey finds his dog stabbed to death using a screwdriver. He calls the police and later hires the services of a private investigator to uncover Shooterâ €™s whereabouts. Shooter pays him a visit one evening and asks Rainey to fix the ending of the book. Rainey insists the book is his and arranges to show Shooter proof. He refers to an article based on the book published earlier than the date Shooter claims he wrote the story. Soon after, Rainey investigator turns out dead and Shooter tells Rainey that the murder ties back to him. Therefore, Rainey sinks the car with the investigator’s body in a stone quarry filled with water. In the end, it turns out that Shooter is actually Rainey’s second personality caused by his dissociative disorder. This becomes clear after Shooter burns Rainey’s matrimonial home, and at the end of the movie, he murders Amy and her new lover Milner outside his cabin, this time as Rainey, but while speaking with Shooter’s accent. The main crisis in this movie is Rainey’s split personality disorder. It enables him to commit heinous crimes without any remorse. One of the gru esome acts is the killing of his dog. The movie does not show how he kills the dog. It only shows the dead dog with Rainey’s screwdriver stuck on it. The dog is an innocent party and therefore shows the gravity of Rainey’s problem. On the other hand, the murder of the investigator is also gruesome, using the same screwdriver. These crimes take place under Shooter’s personality. In the closing moments of the film, Rainey, kills his wife and her lover in cold blood. He uses a shovel to behead her lover and then buries the two.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Movie Review: â€Å"Secret Window† specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The final murders take place in the glare of the camera, and this time, Shooter is absent from the scene. Rainey, acting in cold blood, commits the murders with glee. The kind of crisis Rainey had is hard to treat. Split personality disorders arise because of trauma. It is a kind of coping mechanism caused by lack of alternative means of dealing with an issue. This crisis came about because of the infidelity of Rainey’s wife. After he found her cheating on him, he broke into tears and never recovered. It was under these circumstances that Shooter surfaced. Shooter represents Rainey’s aggression. He is the personality he uses to cover up for crimes. The matter of the stolen manuscript is a means of demonstrating the struggle between the two personalities. Split personality disorders require psychiatric treatment. If Rainey found help early, then he would not have committed the murders that Shooter committed. Coping with a personality disorder requires coming to terms with aspects of both personalities. They are all a valid part of the same person. Shooter was the depiction of an aggressive Rainey. On the other hand, Rainey was the hurt husband still in love with his wife. After finding his wife cheating on him, Rainey needed Shooter t o take revenge on his behalf. In the same way, Shooter needed Rainey to finish the book. When Rainey realized that he was Shooter, he accepted his personalities.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More However, he chose to express his aggression by murdering his wife and her lover. Recovery from split personality disorder requires accepting both sides of one’s personalities and acting in unison. Awareness of the existence of the problem is the first step towards recovery. It makes it possible for the patient to act as a unified person. Grieving process The loss that Rainey needed to grieve was the loss of his wife, first through a divorce and secondly after her murder. It was difficult for Rainey to accept that his wife was unfaithful to him. He spends most of the time in the movie in denial. After he kills her, he behaves as though there is nothing serious that took place, attempting to live his life normally. In both cases, he is in denial. His decision to move to the cabin is consistent with seclusion that a grieving person normally seeks. The second stage of grieving is Anger. In the divorce saga, the anger manifests through his psychotic breakdown. He becomes very irri table whenever he meets Milner. The burning of the house and the killing of his dog both show the extent of anger Rainey felt over his loss. At the point where he murders both Amy and Milner, his anger is out of control and he seeks to make things right by killing them. After his wife dies, he does not proceed to the next stage of grieving. The bargaining stage manifests as Rainey tries to win back his wife unsuccessfully. She does not openly reject him but she refuses to accept his overtures. In fact, Rainey kills her when she tries to bring him the divorce papers in person. Throughout the movie, Rainey is in a state of depression. At some point, he even picks on smoking to drown his sorrows. Throughout the movie, Rainey does not proceed to the last stage of grieving, which is acceptance. He is in denial throughout the movie. The pain of losing his wife and the denial thereafter leaves him with a split personality disorder. He does not grieve for his loss effectively. Reference Koe pp, D. (Director). (2004). Secret Window [Motion Picture].

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Individual Research Paper Proposal For course Human Resource Assignment

Individual Research Paper Proposal For course Human Resource Management - Total Compensation - Assignment Example Ccompensation, as an extrinsic motivator, influences employees to achieve objectives that are attached to the motivators and therefore determines success in objectives. A desire to receive compensation is also a significant intrinsic motivator and motivational potential of different forms of compensation is a foundation for my interest in total compensation with focus on a matrix approach to compensation methods for optimal employees’ effectiveness (Neely, 2007). The relationship between compensation and employee satisfaction, which also has impacts on employee turnover and productivity, also influences my interest in the topic of total compensation. Diversity among employees and potential differences in attitudes towards different compensation strategies identifies the need for an understanding of different compensation strategies and their possible effectiveness, a need that has also motivated me into the topic of total compensation (Deb, 2009). My interest in statistical an alysis that is important in monitoring and evaluation of effects of such inputs as compensation strategies also informs my decision into the topic of total compensation. I have done preliminary literature search on the topic and realized scarcity of information on the general scope of the topic. A search with total compensation yields no results of journal articles but modified search that narrows down to specific aspects of total compensation yields research. This approach generated more than five journal articles that were published within the last five years. The article, ‘Management compensation systems in MNCs and domestic firms’ that explores management practices on compensation and in different environments is an example (Le, Brewster, Demirbag and Wood, 2013). Another identified article investigated variability in effectiveness of incentive compensation on managerial actions (Chng, Rogers, Shih and Song, 2012). Sourcing for more than 10 journal

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Rehabilitation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Rehabilitation - Essay Example This paper also explores the roles that the general environment plays in the success of rehabilitation treatments, including the roles that family, friends and the general society play in rehabilitation. (NIH; Mayo Clinic Staff; McLellan et al.; WebMD; National Library of Medicine; World Health Organization). II. Discussion There is an element to different forms of dependencies and illnesses, such as drug dependence and alcohol dependence, that is chronic and not easily treatable, and this implies that in many cases the focus and commitment of patients undergoing rehabilitation play a role in treatment outcomes. That the dependencies and illnesses are chronic and long-term also implies that those who are being treated must match the interest and the dedication of those offering help. This might be where general society, friends and family may fall short, because of the costs and the emotional and psychological consistency that is required for patients to become better over time. This may also be why treatments sometimes fail, as evidenced by the relapses observed in the medical and academic literature. Some patients become better for a time in relapse cases, but they sooner or later go back to old habits, whether those be dependencies or psychological and emotional dysfunctions. The relapses may be partly due to the lack of dedication on the part of the patients. This is recognized to such an extent that relapses are included as a necessary component of rehabilitation programs, and relapses are considered in all-inclusive treatment protocols that take into consideration the willingness of the patients to be treated. Recognizing that relapses are common and that patient attitudes factor into the success or failure of treatments also is an admission that dependencies, emotional and physical traumas, and other conditions that require rehabilitation are complex, and that many factors need to be considered in devising rehabilitation treatments and protocols that wor k. The reality of relapses point to human factors and patient attitudes and inclinations as outlying factors that affect treatment outcomes (NIH; Mayo Clinic Staff; McLellan et al.; WebMD). To be sure, there are aspects of various illnesses, such as drug dependence and the emotional and psychological traumas experienced by soldiers returning from war, that are physiological, and that in a way those who are seeking rehabilitation are those who admit that they don’t have total control of their will. They easily succumb to the temptations of their addictions, for instance, or that they have no willpower to get out of the psychological and emotional traumas that haunt them in the case of soldiers returning from war. This is recognized, and the literature suggests that science and medicine have progressed over the years to provide medications and other related interventions that treat those physical dependencies and allow patients to get over the physical aspects of their conditio ns. On the other hand, even with some effective drugs and treatments, the literature also suggests that treatment success rates remain inconsistent and varying, again taking us back to discussions on just how much effect the individual will power of the patients have in the success

Monday, November 18, 2019

THE DREAM ACT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

THE DREAM ACT - Essay Example ve become the victims of government deportation due to their illegal immigrant status in the United States and have found themselves in very different environments from what they know, not able to fit in the culture, and not knowing the languages of the countries in which they were born but not raised. This has been a gross injustice on the part of the American government because whichever way they got to America, these so called illegal immigrants are still American through culture, language, and thought, and should be recognized as such. The Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act is a bipartisan legislation that was pioneered by the Republican senator Orin Hatch and Democrat senator Richard Durbin, with the intention of solving this injustice in the American society. Under its provisions, qualifying undocumented youth would be eligible for a six year long process which would require them to complete a college degree or to serve at least two years in the military, and would eventually lead to their gaining American citizenship. This piece of legislation has come up twice for a vote in the senate, once in 2007 and again in 2010, but both times, it has failed to pass. In June 2012, the Obama administration issued a policy directive which would make over a million young people who were brought to the United States illegally as children free from deportation proceedings and which would make them eligible to get work permits. The government had been under considerable pressure from various circles to take action on behalf of those young immigrants due to the fact that Congress had been deeply split about the DREAM Act legislation. Furthermore, since this is an election year, this move by the Obama administration was most likely aimed at securing the votes of Latino voters, considering that the bulk of those would have been deported if this policy had not been put in place would have been Latino. According to Welner, K and Chi, W (178) every

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Dell: Competitive Advantage Case Study

Dell: Competitive Advantage Case Study Dell Computer is a leader in the e-commerce computer hardware market. It is an established brand that leads personal computer manufacturers both in U.S. sales and overall online sales. Its trademark method of selling products to customers, corporate and individual consumers, originates from the Dell Direct model, a Web-enabled infrastructure that allows customers to customize their PCs and order other products they need or desire. This virtual integration structure eliminates the need to manufacture everything, and instead uses the power of the Internet to share and exchange information with suppliers and vendors to build a truly superior supply chain that keeps inventory turnover low and costs to a minimum (Harrington, 2002). The primary method Dell uses in order to achieve and sustain their competitive advantage is a unique, direct to customer business model (Dell, 2007). The model is known as Dell Direct, referring to the relationship between the company and its customers as being direct. This model helps Dell focus on price for customization, service and support, performance, latest technology and superior shareholder value. Additionally, Dell is able to distinguish itself from its competitors with its customized on- demand manufacturing. Through customisation of the products manufactured by dell, the company has the ability to offer more value for the money of its customers due to the removal of the intermediaries in the manufacturing, procurement and distribution processes of Dell. Dells primary resources include the most advanced technology, which allows the company to successfully move along their superior supply chain and achieve the value they strive for. Dells value chain allows Dell and its suppliers to exchange information and interact with each other. The Internet, Dells important IT factor in its success, results in lower costs to customers than other retailers, the customers tell Dell exactly what they want and Dell creates products for the consumer without experiencing wasteful resources in production (Breen, 2004). Overall, it is evident that Dells competitive advantage lies in its Direct model success. Through Dells IT performance, which combines its resources, its relationship with suppliers and its consumer communication capabilities, Dell has attained a big advantage over its competitors. Analysis of Dells Competitive Advantage: Dell carries the tag of being, one of the best computer systems company in the world. Dell is able to sustain a competitive advantage over competitors in the computer industry because of an extremely efficient supply chain/distribution system. Dell is able to achieve superior profits in the industry because they are a knowledgeable user of information, communication, e-commerce, e-business, internet, and web technologies. Dell implements a Just-In-Time inventory system which operates on only 6 days of inventory. Dell is able to achieve greater profit margins and increased profits because of their inventory system. Inventory and labor are the highest liabilities of a firm. Operating only with 6 days of inventory, allows Dell to reduce its expenses on hiring people to track and maintain inventory, warehousing, and holding on to obsolete technology. This allows Dell to free up cash flow to invest in other value adding activities. The direct Model strategy compels the company to use a JIT inventory system, as the customers are only allowed to order directly from Dell. Dell uses their website to take customers orders. The organization focuses on direct sales, cutting out other distribution channels entirely. This allows for a deeper relationship with the customers whereby Dell can offer their customers better service, savings, convenience, and efficiency. Dells use of the internet has revolutionized the company. Dells extremely consumer friendly website offers the customers to place their orders with ease. The separate Premier Pages on Dells website designed for Dells large accounts like corporation, educational institutions and Government, delivers easy navigation, dynamic price upgrades and wide range of available options. Customer relationship management software keeps close tabs on the types of computers that customers are buying. Not only does Dell use the internet to make the customer ordering process easier. They also use the internet to build better relationships with their suppliers. In order for Dell to work off of 6 days of inventory, their suppliers have to be very involved in the company to make sure superior service is met. The use of art production planning programs assist in predicting the quantities of components needed to build the computers. The forecast is passed to the supplier, who respond with cost estimates and plan their production as a result. Dells e-commerce is a huge part of their competitive advantage. Their e-commerce internet infrastructure is so advanced and knowledgeable that by using it to determine trends and demands of their products, they have gained superiority over their competitors. Dell has set up strategic alliances with other companies to have their products sold on Dells direct selling distribution channel. Back in 2000, Palm, Inc. made an agreement with Dell to offer an expanded line of handheld Palm products and accessories. This agreement allowed Dell to drive momentum for the Palm operating system market (Dell: 2000, April 17). Along with Palm, Xerox also partnered with Dell to take advantage of Dells e-commerce. Advantages to Xerox were increased profits by offering the printers with the Dell computers. Advantages to Dell include selling high quality printers along with their computers, but more importantly, it allowed Dell to be involved in the customer buying process for printers. Being involved in the decision making process is the key to Dells success because they see directly what the customers want and determine their production schedule from that information (Dell: 2000, May 22). Dell achieves its competitive advantage over other firms in the industry by having superior supply chain management. Dell utilizes technology to interpret information. By being involved in the customer buying process they are able to determine their customers needs. This allows Dell to streamline production and have close relationships with their suppliers which results in getting timely deliveries in order to mass customize customers computers. Analysis of Dells Business Model: The four markets within an industry are defined as Business to Business, Business to Consumer, Consumer to Business, and Consumer to Consumer. Dell focuses on Business to Business and Business to Consumer commerce to satisfy their business and individual customers. Dell differentiates between classes of customers because the needs of their business customers, who buy large quantities of computers, are different than the individuals who want to configure a single unit. Dells business model is no secret, of course, and its been emulated with considerably less success by many of its competitors (Henricks, 2003). Dells initial success was due to its early implementation of the internet as the means of sales and marketing. Dells direct-to-the-customer strategy presents a highly attractive cost advantage thats tough to ignore. Their direct interaction with their customers continues to be a key driver in sales for the quarter (2000). Dells early work with using the internet helped them get a jump on their competition while their competition was finding it difficult to conduct successful Business to Business operations online since exchanges are still in their infancy and many havent even gone live yet. Matching customer ease of ordering and direct interaction through the internet proved successful because Dell believes that it is the customer that drives the business model. Dell recognized the challenges in dealing with the customers and fragmented them into two distinctive groups with different needs, dealing with the business customers (like corporations) and dealing with individual customers. Dell has done a remarkable job managing these two different types of consumers thus far. In the last couple of years, Dell decided to split their operations into two different websites with separate B2B sites. With separate sites, Dell planned to simplify the Internet procurement process for businesses and institutions of all sizes, generating savings that can range to millions of dollars annually for large customers (1999). However, this idea failed, and Dell had to shut down its B2B site, four months after it launched. Dell said the site failed to attract more than three suppliers. Recommendations to build sustainable competitive advantage in future: After analyzing Dells IT and their competitive advantage as a result of their advanced and successful IT, it was challenging to come up with recommendations to help them achieve more success in an industry that they already prosper in. However, even with Dells current success, we realize that in an ever-changing technology industry, there is always room for improvement. 1) Dell should consider selectively adding other vendors to its supply chain management system. Due to the increase in Dells global sales, Dell may need to consider to selectively adding additional suppliers to their supply chain management system. The additional suppliers should not result in any significant cost to Dell and Dell might be able to negotiate better component costs from new suppliers. New suppliers would want to participate in this exchange because they would be seen doing business with a leading technology company 2) Use Customer Surveys to gain market share. Although Dell does well in its markets overseas, Dell has lost some domestic market share and has more potential overseas. It is important for Dell to advertise and get their products noticed in international markets. In order achieve this goal, in-depth customer satisfaction surveys should be used in markets where they trail their competition. . 3) Invest more in Research and Development. With the growth of quality competition, it is crucial for Dell to keep its competitive advantage by offering new technology products and services. Dell should consider expanding into peripheral product markets that would compliment their computer sales. 4) Dell could offer online data back-up capabilities. Another way to increase revenue is to offer existing customers (business and individual consumers) back-up capabilities on Dells own servers. This process will have advantages for both consumers and Dell. For consumers, especially businesses, if something happens to their plants and computer systems, they can always retrieve their data from Dell who has their information backed up offsite on their system. By keeping their data saved at another location that is maintained by Dell, Dell can make money by charging for this additional service. Dell also has a built-in customer list based on the sales that they make for computer systems. 5) Enhance customer support services. Since successful customer support and communications are crucial to Dells success, it is important that Dell keeps enough well-trained people on the phones and on the Internet for customer support. Based on the results of some surveys that say that Dell might be losing customers because of actual or perceived decrease in support, Dell should do a cost-benefit analysis to determine whether they should invest in more people who can answer technical questions support customers with their problems and needs. References:, Supplier Principles: Supply Chain Management System, 2007, viewed 9th April 2011 Harrington, L, The Accelerated Value Chain: Supply chain management just got smarter, faster and more cost-effective, thanks to a groundbreaking alliance between Intel and i2 technologies, 2002 Breen, Bill, Living in Dell Time. Fast Company, 2004, viewed on 10th April 2011,

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay --

Introduction Today, there are many different types of mental illnesses known throughout the world; i.e. bipolar disease, schizophrenia, paranoia, post-traumatic stress disorder, panic disorder, ect.; and many people who are able to diagnose such illnesses when symptoms are shown throughout a person []. What about back in the 1600’s though, when such illnesses weren’t even known yet? In Shakespeare’s play Macbeth, for example, Macbeth showed many signs of what today would be diagnosed as symptoms of schizophrenia, but he had no idea, nor did anyone around him, they just thought he was going insane. What is schizophrenia one might ask? â€Å"Schizophrenia is a serious brain disorder that distorts the way a person thinks, acts, expresses emotions, perceives reality, and relates to others† (Joseph Goldberg). Symptoms Medline plus tells us that there are three major symptoms of the disorder; not being able to distinguish the difference between fantasy and reality, incoherent conversations, and withdrawal physically and emotionally. The most common and most well-known symptom of schizophrenia is when people cannot distinguish between what is real and what is not []. Schizophrenics often suffer from delusions and hallucinations. A delusion is a belief that is not true and a hallucination is seeing, hearing, or sensing something that is not really there []. Macbeth is considered a schizophrenic because he possesses all of the symptoms said above. Background information According to, schizophrenia can be traced to the old Pharaonic Egypt, as far back as the second millennium before Christ. At one point in history, all people who were considered "abnormal," whether due to mental illn... ... of her womb before she could actually give birth, Macbeth then comes out of his delusional state, and we realize that everything he did was because of the witches, and that they made him go crazy and become a schizophrenic (Shakespeare 213). Conclusion Apparitions, eternally bloody hands, and ghosts all sound like key elements to a nightmarish dream. Imagine not being able to tell if these things were real or just a figment of your imagination and you’ll know the position that Macbeth was in. In Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Macbeth show signs of what would today be diagnosed as symptoms of schizophrenia. He became detached from reality and spoke in crazy incoherent sentence fragments. Though they were not able to identify Macbeth’s mental illness during Shakespeare’s time, now after many years of research, it seems very certain that he was most likely a schizophrenic.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Different Things That Can Affect the Rights of an Individual

UNIT 10 Task 2. 1 List 4 different things that can affect the rights of an individual (2. 1) Explain how the things you have listed could affect the rights of an individual (2. 1) 1. Murder- murder is really a serious factor that really affects all the rights of an individual, because taking one’s life is taking also all of his rights. As what it is written by the Law, every individual has the right to live. 2. Slavery and Forced Labour- slavery still exists nowadays, particularly this forced labour where an individual is working without any payment and in an unlimited hour.Individuals are working to have a source of income, to subsidize everyday’s needs like foods and money. Blood and sweats of individuals are the greatest sacrifice of an individual in order to live and to face the hardships of living. 3. Respect and Privacy- invasion of privacy is taking away one’s freedom. Disrespecting an individual is degrading one’s rights. Privacy is very important thing owned by an individual, it is like a treasure that should be kept carefully and must be respected by the others.Others should respect others’ privacy as they respect their own because having each own privacy is having a smuch secured freedom. 4. Discrimination- discriminating makes an individual thinks unworthy of himself. It sometimes forces an individual to commit suicide that caused him to death. Death is the end of life, the end of an individual’s rights. Task 2. 2 Produce a booklet that explains how we should respect the rights of others in the workplace. We can demonstrate respect with simple, yet powerful actions. These ideas will help us avoid needless, insensitive, unmeant disrespect, too. Treat people with courtesy, politeness, and kindness. * Encourage coworkers to express opinions and ideas. * Listen to what others have to say before expressing your viewpoint. Never speak over, but in, or cut off another person. * Don’t think of yourself only, we should think of others too. * Use people’s ideas to change or improve work. Let employees know you used their idea, or, better yet, encourage the person with the idea to implement the idea. * Never insult people, name call, disparage or put down people or their ideas. Do not nit-pick, constantly criticize over little things, belittle, judge, demeanor patronize. A series of seemingly trivial actions, added up over time, constitutes bullying. * Never ever covet your co-workers’ belongings; it is also a way of respecting them. * Treat people the same no matter their race, religion, gender, size, age, or country of origin. Implement policies and procedures consistently so people feel that they are treated fairly and equally. Treating people differently can constitute harassment or a hostile work environment. * Include all coworkers in meetings, discussions, training, and events.While not every person can participate in every activity, do not marginalize, exclude or leav e any one person out. Provide an equal opportunity for employees to participate in committees, task forces, or continuous improvement teams. Solicit volunteers and try to involve every volunteer. * Praise much more frequently than you criticize. Encourage praise and recognition from employee to employee as well as from the supervisor. * Be always a humble co-worker for others. * Don’t show poker acts towards your co-workers. Respecting others is respecting you too. We should respect others for them to respect us too.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Characteristics of Marcus Camillus and Augustus Octavian

Characteristics of Marcus Camillus and Augustus Octavian Marcus Furius Camillus is the Roman leader and military hero who managed to triumph for times. The Roman statesman is also considered the second founder of Rome. Augustus is the first founder of the Roman Empire. Therefore, leaders could be regarded as the founders of the Roman Empire.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Characteristics of Marcus Camillus and Augustus Octavian specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Hence, during the reign of Augustus, the Romans experienced the peaceful existence for over two centuries despite the continuous expansion of the emperor. The wisdom of the Roman Emperor consisted in his ability to favor expansion policy with no harm to the Roman population. In his book, Augustus mentioned, â€Å"I made the sea peaceful and freed it of pirates† (section 25 n. p.). Hence, the Roman ruler managed to establish allegiance with Spanish, Gallic, and African governments. Unlike Augustus, Camillus wa s known as a tyrant who captured the Rome through violence and war. Acknowledged as a military leader, the Roman Senators appointed Marcus as the dictator to confront the Gauls. Despite his image of a violent and aggressive leader, Camillus managed to negotiate with Brennus, the Gallic leader, and made him leave Rome. The day after, the Gauls returned with refreshed army, but were defeated by Camillus. As a result, the Roman soldier was later appointed as Roman Emperor and was known as the dictator who reigned for the longest period. In the book, Livy refers to these events to emphasize the courage of the Roman leader: â€Å"†¦a general, selected by the fates, both for destruction of that city, and the preservation of his native country, Marcus Furius Camillus, was nominated dictator† (pg 475). The Roman Senate recognized the powerful tactics of fearless soldier although his violent attitude to the people was not welcomed. Both leaders brightly expressed their commitment to the welfare of Roman people and Italy. In this respect, Augustus is also known as the one who donated land, grain, and money to the Romans to improve their welfare.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More While enumerating his achievements, Augustus specifically refers to success in war and foreign policies and states, â€Å"the whole of Italy of its own free will swore allegiance to me and demanded me as the leader in the war† (sec. 25 n. p.). The first Roman Emperor reconciled conflicts on his territory and restored the stability in the country. He also received various awards and honors, which were represented in historic documents. The official title was among the highest honors assigned to a Roman. Unlike Augustus, Camillus’s achievements were less recognized among the Roman people. This is of particular concern to his return to the Capitolium. The Romans were n ot entirely satisfied with the policy and heroism of the dictator and, therefore, he was regarded as a nothing but an evil tyrant whose authority should be respected to avoid conflicts. However, his talent in military strategy forced the Roman Senators to accept his power and appoint him the governmental leader. In order to emphasize Camillus’s gift in conducting war, Livy notes, â€Å"they had used the most effectual means which human wisdom could suggest, for insuring success in giving the command to Marcus Furius, the greatest general of the age† (pg 482). Therefore, Camillus is considered a more aggressive leader who methods of gaining power and control were confined to war and violence. Both Roman founders were recognized as outstanding military leaders, but their military tactics differed significantly from each other. In particular, Augustus managed to strike the balance between constant war expansion and peaceful existence in the Empire. Although the Emperor wa s constantly involved into war actions, the civil population did not experience any military intrusion in their daily lives. Therefore, he could be considered as a wise and experienced ruler. What is more important is that the Roman Emperor managed to restore the state from war actions by constantly constructing temples, churches, and buildings. His donations of lands and money are also highlighted in the reading:Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Characteristics of Marcus Camillus and Augustus Octavian specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More â€Å"Four times I assisted the treasury with my own money, so that I transferred to the administrators of the treasury 150.000.000 sesterces† (sec. 17, n. p.). In this respect he could be considered not only a wise and experienced ruler, but also a generous mentor. In contrast to Augustus, Marcus Camillus was less concerned with the peaceful welfare of the Roman population. His main purpose lied in expanding the territories and conquering new lands. Livy underlines Marcus’s ambitions and focuses on his struggles against the rivals: â€Å"he had reduced the spoils of Veii to nothing; daringly abusing the nobles, in their absence† (pg 486). Therefore, the general made everything possible to take control of other territories and prove his superiority. With regard to the above-presented debates, it should be stated that both military leaders made significant contribution to the economic and political development of the Roman Empire. Their methods and military tactics were extremely different. Nevertheless, both historic figures remained in the Roman history as outstanding dictators and talented rulers that managed to empower the Roman people and provide new ways for the prosperity. Augustus. Res Gestae Divi Augusti. Trans. Peter Brunt, and James Moore UK: Oxford University Press. 1969. Web. Livy. The History of Rome. US: T. Cadell and W. Davies. 1797. Print.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Political Instability of 15th century England essays

Political Instability of 15th century England essays The Black Deaths Involvement in the Peasants Revolt of 1381 During a time of crisis, people who do not ordinarily get along seem to suddenly share common ground. At the time of the Black Death when the bubonic plague struck women, men, lords and peasants alike, those who had always felt to be at the bottom of the social chain suddenly felt as if something had equalized them with everyone who had always been at the top. The peasants who survived the plague believed themselves to be blessed and were positive that it was a sign from God to improve their lives. Unfortunately for them, this feeling was soon to be taken away and they were not going to let it go without a fight and thus began the Peasants Revolt of 1381. After the Black Death, lords and manors were in desperate need of workers. The plague had caused a labor shortage and this allowed peasants to demand higher wages. For the first time the ball was in the court of the common man and they were threatening to leave their villages, upsetting the Feudal System to find other lords who offered better wages. As a result, more freedom and more money was given to these peasants by the manors. In 1351, the lords had had enough and introduced the Statue of Laborers. The statue included that peasants could not be paid more than they had been paid in 1346, that no master should offer any more money than they had before and that peasants could not leaves the villages to which they belonged. Once again, the common man was at the bottom of the chain. Peasants finally grew tired of being at the mercy of their masters and wanted the equality they once enjoyed after the Black Death and this feeling of despair led to a class war. A class war could be defined as a time when ordinary people have had enough of being pushed around and decide to fight back. The peasants were simply worn-out. In a short time they had been given a little bi...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Reaction paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Reaction paper - Essay Example Upon reading Judea’s move against Germany, I find it strange because what has been impressed upon me is that Germany was always on the offensive side. Having watched documentaries about Holocaust, I find it particularly absurd to hear for the first time that Germany was being attacked ( symbolically) by the Jews. First, rich American Jews conspired to make Jews leave Germany so they can return to their promised land. At first, this move seems to be an outcome of a religious struggle that started way back biblical times. But as you read the article and some commentaries about the whole event, it was an insidious event that had political intentions. Even the Jews in Germany were not even bothered by the Germans which comes as a surprise. So what led Germany to the brink of despair that made it round up Jews? The answer would all be found on the transcripts of Freedman’s speech. Indeed, there was no other recourse but to read the second article to know the truth. If Judeaà ¢â‚¬â„¢s declaration of war was a surprise, Benjamin Freedman’s speech was really a revelation. I believe that all history subjects should require these two important documents to get the other side of the story. Numerous clarifications have been made as what role the Jews assumed during WWI and WWII.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

World religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

World religion - Essay Example Since there are many versions of the holy text, there are various underpinning of the concept of Karma in Hinduism. The common grounds on which the concept of Karma is accepted and practiced in Hinduism are the life hereafter. It is stated that the life after death depend upon the deeds of a person. The role or the body that the person will enliven would depend on the actions that include animal, bird or human etc. In order to successfully obtain a peaceful second life, one needs to go through the process of Moksha. The process of karma is also known as process of samsara in Hindu religion (Plate). Karma is considerably a physical substance in the religion of Jainism. It is stated that the deeds and words that are uttered by humans make them live the life they are living. It is important to utter good words so that the substance of karma remains alive and is not affected. The present life of an individual is basically dependent upon the life they spent before. The presence of karma, being a physical substance, is present in the universe around us. The substance is carried from one life to another is by the soul that is also known as Jiva. There is an avid possibility of expiry of the particles if the individuals intend to cause any damage to others. It is considered that the followers of Jainism try to get away with the cycle of re-birth for which they try to take care of their karma or particles of karma that would tag along their soles in the next life as well. The definition of physical particles has been remarked over and over in the religion of Jainism. The concept of kar ma remains strict and firm unlike Hinduism. The concept of karma remains similar in Buddhism, Jainism and Hinduism. It is state by the followers of Buddhism that the impact of the deeds in the present life directly impacts the next life. The present time is also a product of the previous lives. For