Saturday, November 9, 2019

Characteristics of Marcus Camillus and Augustus Octavian

Characteristics of Marcus Camillus and Augustus Octavian Marcus Furius Camillus is the Roman leader and military hero who managed to triumph for times. The Roman statesman is also considered the second founder of Rome. Augustus is the first founder of the Roman Empire. Therefore, leaders could be regarded as the founders of the Roman Empire.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Characteristics of Marcus Camillus and Augustus Octavian specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Hence, during the reign of Augustus, the Romans experienced the peaceful existence for over two centuries despite the continuous expansion of the emperor. The wisdom of the Roman Emperor consisted in his ability to favor expansion policy with no harm to the Roman population. In his book, Augustus mentioned, â€Å"I made the sea peaceful and freed it of pirates† (section 25 n. p.). Hence, the Roman ruler managed to establish allegiance with Spanish, Gallic, and African governments. Unlike Augustus, Camillus wa s known as a tyrant who captured the Rome through violence and war. Acknowledged as a military leader, the Roman Senators appointed Marcus as the dictator to confront the Gauls. Despite his image of a violent and aggressive leader, Camillus managed to negotiate with Brennus, the Gallic leader, and made him leave Rome. The day after, the Gauls returned with refreshed army, but were defeated by Camillus. As a result, the Roman soldier was later appointed as Roman Emperor and was known as the dictator who reigned for the longest period. In the book, Livy refers to these events to emphasize the courage of the Roman leader: â€Å"†¦a general, selected by the fates, both for destruction of that city, and the preservation of his native country, Marcus Furius Camillus, was nominated dictator† (pg 475). The Roman Senate recognized the powerful tactics of fearless soldier although his violent attitude to the people was not welcomed. Both leaders brightly expressed their commitment to the welfare of Roman people and Italy. In this respect, Augustus is also known as the one who donated land, grain, and money to the Romans to improve their welfare.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More While enumerating his achievements, Augustus specifically refers to success in war and foreign policies and states, â€Å"the whole of Italy of its own free will swore allegiance to me and demanded me as the leader in the war† (sec. 25 n. p.). The first Roman Emperor reconciled conflicts on his territory and restored the stability in the country. He also received various awards and honors, which were represented in historic documents. The official title was among the highest honors assigned to a Roman. Unlike Augustus, Camillus’s achievements were less recognized among the Roman people. This is of particular concern to his return to the Capitolium. The Romans were n ot entirely satisfied with the policy and heroism of the dictator and, therefore, he was regarded as a nothing but an evil tyrant whose authority should be respected to avoid conflicts. However, his talent in military strategy forced the Roman Senators to accept his power and appoint him the governmental leader. In order to emphasize Camillus’s gift in conducting war, Livy notes, â€Å"they had used the most effectual means which human wisdom could suggest, for insuring success in giving the command to Marcus Furius, the greatest general of the age† (pg 482). Therefore, Camillus is considered a more aggressive leader who methods of gaining power and control were confined to war and violence. Both Roman founders were recognized as outstanding military leaders, but their military tactics differed significantly from each other. In particular, Augustus managed to strike the balance between constant war expansion and peaceful existence in the Empire. Although the Emperor wa s constantly involved into war actions, the civil population did not experience any military intrusion in their daily lives. Therefore, he could be considered as a wise and experienced ruler. What is more important is that the Roman Emperor managed to restore the state from war actions by constantly constructing temples, churches, and buildings. His donations of lands and money are also highlighted in the reading:Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Characteristics of Marcus Camillus and Augustus Octavian specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More â€Å"Four times I assisted the treasury with my own money, so that I transferred to the administrators of the treasury 150.000.000 sesterces† (sec. 17, n. p.). In this respect he could be considered not only a wise and experienced ruler, but also a generous mentor. In contrast to Augustus, Marcus Camillus was less concerned with the peaceful welfare of the Roman population. His main purpose lied in expanding the territories and conquering new lands. Livy underlines Marcus’s ambitions and focuses on his struggles against the rivals: â€Å"he had reduced the spoils of Veii to nothing; daringly abusing the nobles, in their absence† (pg 486). Therefore, the general made everything possible to take control of other territories and prove his superiority. With regard to the above-presented debates, it should be stated that both military leaders made significant contribution to the economic and political development of the Roman Empire. Their methods and military tactics were extremely different. Nevertheless, both historic figures remained in the Roman history as outstanding dictators and talented rulers that managed to empower the Roman people and provide new ways for the prosperity. Augustus. Res Gestae Divi Augusti. Trans. Peter Brunt, and James Moore UK: Oxford University Press. 1969. Web. Livy. The History of Rome. US: T. Cadell and W. Davies. 1797. Print.

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