Saturday, November 2, 2019

World religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

World religion - Essay Example Since there are many versions of the holy text, there are various underpinning of the concept of Karma in Hinduism. The common grounds on which the concept of Karma is accepted and practiced in Hinduism are the life hereafter. It is stated that the life after death depend upon the deeds of a person. The role or the body that the person will enliven would depend on the actions that include animal, bird or human etc. In order to successfully obtain a peaceful second life, one needs to go through the process of Moksha. The process of karma is also known as process of samsara in Hindu religion (Plate). Karma is considerably a physical substance in the religion of Jainism. It is stated that the deeds and words that are uttered by humans make them live the life they are living. It is important to utter good words so that the substance of karma remains alive and is not affected. The present life of an individual is basically dependent upon the life they spent before. The presence of karma, being a physical substance, is present in the universe around us. The substance is carried from one life to another is by the soul that is also known as Jiva. There is an avid possibility of expiry of the particles if the individuals intend to cause any damage to others. It is considered that the followers of Jainism try to get away with the cycle of re-birth for which they try to take care of their karma or particles of karma that would tag along their soles in the next life as well. The definition of physical particles has been remarked over and over in the religion of Jainism. The concept of kar ma remains strict and firm unlike Hinduism. The concept of karma remains similar in Buddhism, Jainism and Hinduism. It is state by the followers of Buddhism that the impact of the deeds in the present life directly impacts the next life. The present time is also a product of the previous lives. For

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